I Wanna Be Elected...

“Election is weighted on the side of mercy.”  Romans 11:32

Yes, we are elected, that is, we are elected the moment we receive Christ by faith, as Lord and Savior of our lives!  God does not predestine some to eternal life in heaven and some to eternal life in hell.  A loving God could not do such a thing.

Romans 11:32 backs this up and is a verse that contains “the only real double predestination in the Bible.”  (1)  God has bound all to disobedience; we can do no good.  (2)  God has mercy on all; Jew and Gentile alike!

God excludes everybody on the basis of law and works so that He can include all on the basis of mercy!  Amen!  Without God’s grace we are unable to respond, but, because of the grace of God we are response - able!  Amazing Grace!


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